End Your Hashtag Hubris

A big part of Apple’s brand is ease of use. Successful suppliers like Apple simplify customers’ lives and never ask them to perform heavy lifting. Simplify and ease. What a concept! Long before YouTube and the iPhone, everybody owned a VCR. Comically, most...

CEO: Customer Experience or Brand?

I am amused at all the declarations of devotion, of late, to customer service and customer experience — the management jargon du jour on Twitter. Like discovering that water flows downhill, CEOs are just now realizing that taking care of customers is good for...

CEO: Intimidate or Imitate?

Quick, name the largest American manufacturer of paperclips. Unless you’re in the biz, you can’t. Answer: ACCO, for American Clip Company, which began operations in 1903. The other major supplier is Officemate International. According to the Wall Street...

CEO: Test Your Brand

In 99% of cases, people hear the word “ultrasound” and think babies. This is a branding failure, and it relates to your company — even if it isn’t in the medical field. In fact, ultrasound, or sonography, is used to diagnose the abdomen, neck,...

Andy Warhol’s Branding Axiom

Twenty-eight years after his death, Andy Warhol’s brand remains strong. On a par with Picasso, his paintings still fetch historically high prices. The Andy Warhol Museum, in his native Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the largest museum in the US devoted to one...

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