Why Brands Must Sell

Everything the CEO does, or should do, has one objective: generate revenues — profitably and sustainably. That’s why branding is the CEO’s #1 priority: a strong brand sells. A strong brand is an asset. Assets, including physical plant and employees,...

Stop Punching Your Customers

If you’re pushing products, technology, and jargon on your customers, you’re punching them in their heads. Ouch. Not a good idea: it hurts you and hurts them. There is no cerebral purchasing, so why is your salesforce constantly engaged in senseless...

The Inflated Entrepreneur

People are cursed with the infatuation gene. When strong emotions blind them, they inflate the values of cars, homes, tulip bulbs (in 1637 Holland), stocks, other people, and, let’s not forget, technology — resulting in illogical overpayments that they...

Brand Trumps Product

Silicon Valley is a high-octane, product-centric jungle, where branding (yuck!) is viewed with skepticism and derision. After all, this strip of Northern California isn’t called Solution Valley, is it? Newsflash: people buy solutions (value), not products....

PseudoBranding in the Ivory Tower

RadioShack recently declared bankruptcy, and Sprint took over 1750 of its 4100 stores. Why? You may deem this a counterintuitive move: the Internet was supposed to obliterate bricks-and-mortar retailing. After all, Staples recently combined with Office Depot, because...

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