The Farcical Elevator Pitch

No entrepreneur can get through a day without someone asking, Do you have an elevator pitch? This, for the unenlightened, is a company description so concise that one can deliver it effectively and persuasively to a fellow elevator passenger before he exits to his...

Which Word of Mouth?

Recently, I met a founding partner of an up-and-coming law firm to discuss branding. “Isn’t success really all about word of mouth?” he asked. “Yes, but which word?” I replied. I continued: “If you don’t supply and manage the...

JCPenney’s Fair/Square Branding

If you own a TV, you’ve seen nonstop discount campaigns from Joseph A. Bank, the men’s clothier. How does a customer know what value he’s getting at any time? It’s impossible. WATCH HERE. Newly minted JCPenney CEO Ron Johnson, former head of...

iBranding = iBlending = iBoring

When I took a typing class in highschool, my fellow students and I used typewriters with look-alike blank keys: it was incumbent on us to learn — without looking — the identity, purpose, and position of each key. Likewise, when learning to play musical...

Communication Begins at Home

Are you a communicator? How do you know? If so, you are rare. As a branding consultant, I read homepages and exec summaries, listen to investment pitches, and watch TV commercials — most of which are totally unfathomable. They’re supposed to be...

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