Why Men Should Boycott Gillette

A week ago, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued guidelines to depict “traditional masculinity” as harmful. It listed certain traits of manhood as particularly pernicious: anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, adventure,...

Avoid the Commodity Trap

Nothing negatively pressures a company’s prices and profits like the marketplace relegating it to commodity status. A commodity is a raw material or finished product that customers deem indistinguishable from like materials and products, regardless of source....

Don’t Let Equity Analysts Control Your Brand

Many CEOs of public companies complain privately that equity analysts control their companies’ brands and branding strategies. This is a legitimate complaint. Equity analysts — who tend to be biased, myopic, and flamboyant — are extremely influential...

Accountability Requires Leadership

I received a call from a distressed Fortune 50 executive, lamenting that his company is struggling to create a “culture of accountability.” Newsflash: If your employees exhibit “Who me?” attitudes, your company lacks accountability. This...

IHOP’s House of Bunglers

IHOP just pancaked itself. The iconic pancake house decided to become a worldwide burger joint, overnight, morphing into IHOb — then pretended that the name-change is temporary, to garner attention. IHOb? The sound of it gives me the creeps. Stupid move:...

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