by Marc H. Rudov | July 11, 2015 | Article
The tradeshow, as old as merchant capitalism itself, is a premier branding event for each exhibitor — if staged and managed correctly. If not, it’s an expensive circus. In no other venue is the importance of being unique more obvious. Obvious to whom? The...
by Marc H. Rudov | June 19, 2015 | Article
Judging by Fitbit’s euphoric IPO yesterday, gadget faddists are salivating — at the moment — for health metrics on their wrists. Given that these metrics already exist in their mirrors, bathroom scales, and waistbands, one questions the shelf-life of...
by Marc H. Rudov | June 12, 2015 | Article
The big cyberspace news, aside from Chinese hackers invading all US government employees, is the resignation of Twitter’s CEO, Dick Costolo. Silicon Valley tongues are wagging — praising and blaming Mr. Costolo — in the face of Twitter’s 50%...
by Marc H. Rudov | June 4, 2015 | Article
Everything the CEO does, or should do, has one objective: generate revenues — profitably and sustainably. That’s why branding is the CEO’s #1 priority: a strong brand sells. A strong brand is an asset. Assets, including physical plant and employees,...
by Marc H. Rudov | May 19, 2015 | Article
The child’s game of hopscotch is a fitting metaphor for fleeting management trends. The “experts” endlessly hop from one topic (Six Sigma, continuous improvement, Sarbanes-Oxley, cloud computing, content marketing, social media, Big Data) to the...