Obamacare: Branding Bullcrap

Kathleen Sebelius revealed herself, once again, as a prevaricating political hack and a branding ignoramus. She told Politico: “Obamacare has a very bad brand… I think we may need to call it something in the future different, but it’s working.”...

CEO: Brand or Bland?

In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the Martin Vanger character uttered a phrase that aptly sums up our politically correct culture: “The fear of offending is stronger than the fear of pain.” This fear of offending affects the branding, or lack thereof,...

Will Republicans Rebrand?

The title of this article is misleading. Technically, Republicans can’t rebrand — because they have no brand. None. They need one, fast. But, as you can read, I don’t question herein whether Republicans can rebrand but whether they will rebrand....

The CEO’s Imitation Limitation

When you imitate your competitors, you limit your company’s growth, investment potential, visibility, and profitability — essentially trapping it in a box. Is this the outcome your shareholders expect or want? Is this the legacy you desire? I doubt it, on...

Amazon: Too Big to Brand

Recently, a venture capitalist, who had read my book on branding for CEOs, asked my opinion of Amazon’s brand. I couldn’t fathom it. Amazon’s sell-everything-to-everyone model, I averred, is unbrandable, not to mention, unsustainable. When trying to...

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