Treat Each Brand Like a Trademark

Have you ever applied for a trademark? I have — to officially register my unique brand and protect it from copycats. That’s key to emerging from, and remaining above, the white noise. I succeeded in getting my trademark, thanks to my lawyer’s skill...

Passing the Recession Test

For the CEO who, until now, has failed to create customer-validated differentiation in his company’s messaging, the current economic downturn will become the ultimate test of survival. Look around. Businesses are cutting expenses, laying off employees, and...

What Drives YOUR Business?

It is said so often but usually ignored or trivialized: what drives a business is the customer. Not technology. Not economic conditions. The customer. It’s the customer, stupid. In one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes (“The Pitch”: first aired on...

Advertising Is Not Entertainment

Advertising — whether print, radio, TV, or Internet — has one purpose: compel the target customers to immediately purchase the underlying product or service. That’s it. Any desire to entertain or win awards via advertising is naïve disregard for...

GutShare vs. Mindshare

As you examine your life, what affects you most deeply about your best and worst paramours, jobs, bosses, songs, movies, paintings, victories, vacations, homes, and cars? Is it what you process mentally about them? Far from it. The exceptional people, escapades,...

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