Brand vs. Awareness

CEOs frequently ask me how to increase awareness, specifically brand awareness. Such common lack of branding savvy in corporate boardrooms is the chief reason I wrote a book on branding just for CEOs. Newsflash: Increasing awareness is not your goal and is a total...

Your Cost of Customers

Do you know your cost of customers? Are you sure? Most discussions about customers center on two topics: the cost of acquiring them and the products they buy. If this is the case in your company, sound the alarm. First, thinking you can “acquire” a...

How Do They Feel?

Do you know how your prospective and actual customers feel about your company? Such intelligence is important, don’t you agree? Do customers deem your company unique (one of a kind) — or generic (one of many)? Chances are, you run a product-centric company...

Is Disruption for You?

In the panoply of perpetual panaceas, disruption is the latest boardroom obsession — but not for companies with strong brands. Branding requires constant customer cognizance. Gurus, books, and seminars abound, admonishing CEOs to “disrupt” their...

Too Soon to Brand?

Invariably, I hear this from the CEOs of young companies, and not-so-young companies, especially in the tech sector: “It’s too soon to brand. We’ll build our product and worry about that later.” Branding, they wrongly surmise, is akin to paint...

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