Avoid the Commodity Trap

Nothing negatively pressures a company’s prices and profits like the marketplace relegating it to commodity status. A commodity is a raw material or finished product that customers deem indistinguishable from like materials and products, regardless of source....

Don’t Let Equity Analysts Control Your Brand

Many CEOs of public companies complain privately that equity analysts control their companies’ brands and branding strategies. This is a legitimate complaint. Equity analysts — who tend to be biased, myopic, and flamboyant — are extremely influential...

Why Amazon Is Vulnerable

Much of America is hyperventilating over the growth of Amazon and its perceived power to destroy all brands and retail establishments. Why? Because of social media, people tend to be docile followers who avoid critical thinking and readily believe everything they read...

How CEOs Can End Quarterly Chaos

Complaints abound that CEOs of publicly traded enterprises are too obsessed with beating Wall Street’s expectations of quarterly earnings. By and large, chief executives, and the boards to which they report, are incented inimically, and pressured by financial...

Rebranding Political Correctness

One of the reasons for Donald Trump’s popularity in the 2016 presidential race: he’s taken a sledge hammer to political correctness, or PC. If only other CEOs would be as outspoken. Most live in abject fear of disapproving, angry mobs. Political...

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