Trump Ignored Golf’s Basics

By most accounts, Donald Trump, owner of 17 courses, is an excellent golfer. And, of course, he brags about his skill: “I’ve won many club championships. Many. Frankly, if I had time to play more often, my handicap would be lower. I enjoy the competition. And, if I...

Brand vs. Awareness

CEOs frequently ask me how to increase awareness, specifically brand awareness. Such common lack of branding savvy in corporate boardrooms is the chief reason I wrote a book on branding just for CEOs. Newsflash: Increasing awareness is not your goal and is a total...

Why Trump Scares GOP Elites

Groucho Marx once said that he didn’t want to belong to any club that would accept him as a member. He reminds me of Donald Trump, who has eviscerated the GOP club. Public declarations of independence scare many people and are, therefore, rare: belonging to a...

Get to the Point

Presidential debates are make-or-break branding exhibitions — as are sales and investor pitches, TV/radio commercials, TV/radio interviews, keynote speeches, brochures, highway billboards, and homepages. Successfully grabbing one’s audiences, through each...

Stop Selling Blocks

In 1960, Bob Newhart recorded a best-selling comedy album called The Button-Down Mind Strikes Back. In this album, he did a routine, “An Infinite Number of Monkeys,” which reminds me of how so many technology products are created and funded. Newhart...

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