Rebranding the Strip District

A brand is an intangible, emotional connection between vendor and customers — not a product, a company, a name, or a logo. Successful companies, by definition, are adept at branding — regardless of industry, size, age, era, customer type, or geography....

Accountability Requires Leadership

I received a call from a distressed Fortune 50 executive, lamenting that his company is struggling to create a “culture of accountability.” Newsflash: If your employees exhibit “Who me?” attitudes, your company lacks accountability. This...

Zuckerberg Trashed Capitalism at Harvard

On May 26, 2017, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, delivered the commencement address to the 366th class of elites at Harvard University. He disgraced himself. Zuckerberg advocated socialism — at the USA’s oldest and richest institution of higher...

Conquer Social Mediapathy

When talking to my business colleagues, in every quarter, I hear a common complaint: there is a paucity of civility and courtesy in daily discourse. To wit: People no longer feel obligated to return phone calls and respond to emails — either in a timely manner...

In Brand We Trust

When venture capitalists invest in startup companies, they bankroll the founding teams, not their products. It’s about trust. Invariably, the executives will have to cope with, adapt to, and overcome unknowns, wrong assumptions, and marketplace vicissitudes....

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