When to Tune Your Brand

It is all-too common for a company to create and disseminate its brand, and then let it run like a wild horse. Why? Corporate politics, turf wars, egos, and incompetence. This is my only explanation for GEICO’s unending onslaught of inexplicable, inconsistent,...

How Committees Ruin Branding

We are constantly bombarded with billboards, commercials, and homepages that convey no or negative value and are, therefore, colossal branding failures. Few branding efforts fare worse than those of GEICO. Atrocious. Really. But, here’s one in contention:...

Message vs. Megaphone

Barack Obama has the biggest megaphone in the world. Yet, his message — big government, big socialism, big spending, big deficits, big debt, big taxes, and deference to terrorists — is falling on deaf, angry ears. ObamaCare? Dead. Global warming? A lie....

What Is GEICO Selling?

It seems that, no matter what I watch on TV, I am bombarded with GEICO spots. I know GEICO wants to sell me insurance, but what do I want to buy? I’ve yet to watch one of this third-largest car-insurance giant’s quirky, inexplicable commercials and then...

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