Whither Your Brand, Mitt Romney?

On June 24th, Rupert Murdoch tweeted: “When is Romney going to look like a challenger? Seems to play everything safe, make no news except burn off Hispanics.” The essence of Mr. Murdoch’s observation: Mitt Romney has no brand. Proof of a powerful...

Which Word of Mouth?

Recently, I met a founding partner of an up-and-coming law firm to discuss branding. “Isn’t success really all about word of mouth?” he asked. “Yes, but which word?” I replied. I continued: “If you don’t supply and manage the...

Bad Brands Bounce Sales

You’re an energetic sales rep, armed with product training and imbued with HQ’s brand du jour, sitting before your prospect. When asked to explain your company’s value proposition (brand), you reflexively blurt out the slogan affixed to your...

Microsoft Clouds Its Brand in the Cloud

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen Microsoft’s series of “to the cloud” commercials. These spots, as demonstrated in the clip below, make two fundamental branding errors: 1) selling “the cloud,” yet another generic, nebulous form of...

Why Am I Listening to You?

The other day, I caught a rerun of the iconic 1987 hit Wall Street, starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen. Always one to glean a fresh insight with every repeat of a great movie, I found in this screening a branding gem. Bud Fox (Sheen), a trader in a brokerage...

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