Why White Noise Is Your Enemy

White noise is the combination of all sound frequencies, as white light is the combination of all light frequencies. When one hears white noise, he can discern nothing distinct. Bingo! That’s exactly what customers hear when all vendors seem alike — and...

Web 2.0: The Latest Tech Boondoggle

Nobody can define Web 2.0, even Internet gurus Tim Berners-Lee and Tim O’Reilly. So, why do marketers devote so much time, speech, and ink to it? Good question, considering not one online shopper understands or cares about it. Do a Google search on Web 2.0, and...

Bad News for Katie Couric

Dan Rather’s criticism of his old employer, CBS News, wreaked havoc this week. With Katie Couric in the $16M anchor chair, CBS News is experiencing the worst ratings in its history. Mr. Rather asserted that the Tiffany Network caused the ratings slide in its news...

The “Mystery” of Marketing

  More Than Semantic In late 1988, John Cullinane, when explaining in a Boston Globe article the demise of his software firm, Cullinet, admitted that his troops had adopted an attitude of “knowing better than the customers what their needs are.” Why...

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