Conquer Social Mediapathy

When talking to my business colleagues, in every quarter, I hear a common complaint: there is a paucity of civility and courtesy in daily discourse. To wit: People no longer feel obligated to return phone calls and respond to emails — either in a timely manner...

Artificial Emotional Intelligence

Can you imagine the characters in Grease, starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, tooling about town in driverless cars? Such a premise would have been laughable and lame. The car, as personality marker and sex symbol, was central to this 1978 iconic movie....

I Want My PTV

In the early ’80s, George Lois created one of the most memorable ad campaigns of all time: I Want My MTV. He inaugurated the TV music video and proved that strong branding rules. Now, 33 years later, I want my PTV: personal TV. What is PTV? TV delivered to me...

Stop Punching Your Customers

If you’re pushing products, technology, and jargon on your customers, you’re punching them in their heads. Ouch. Not a good idea: it hurts you and hurts them. There is no cerebral purchasing, so why is your salesforce constantly engaged in senseless...

CEO: Brand or Bland?

In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the Martin Vanger character uttered a phrase that aptly sums up our politically correct culture: “The fear of offending is stronger than the fear of pain.” This fear of offending affects the branding, or lack thereof,...

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