Obamacare: Branding Bullcrap

Kathleen Sebelius revealed herself, once again, as a prevaricating political hack and a branding ignoramus. She told Politico: “Obamacare has a very bad brand… I think we may need to call it something in the future different, but it’s working.”...

Will Republicans Rebrand?

The title of this article is misleading. Technically, Republicans can’t rebrand — because they have no brand. None. They need one, fast. But, as you can read, I don’t question herein whether Republicans can rebrand but whether they will rebrand....

District of Candyland

NOTE: This Article Also Published @ AmericanThinker Picture a politician campaigning before a typical audience of likely voters: “I hereby dedicate myself to cutting government in half, closing agencies, slashing entitlements, deleting regulations, and lowering your...

John Adams Begat the Selfie

NOTE: This Article Also Published @ AmericanThinker   In his iconic book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey explained that, according to his research, the first 50 years of success literature in America was predicated on the character...

Branding While Knocking Obamacare

Clarence Otis, CEO of Darden Restaurants, owner of Olive Garden and Red Lobster, recently experienced negative brand and earnings consequences from knocking Obamacare — as did the CEOs of Applebee’s and Papa John’s. They backpedaled afterwards. In...

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