Fixing Demand Generation

Oxymoronic Term Corporations, hungry to increase top and bottom lines, are always on the hunt for ways to streamline the process of attracting prospects, converting them to customers, and retaining them as repeat customers. Some CEOs have deployed marketing-automation...

iBranding = iBlending = iBoring

When I took a typing class in highschool, my fellow students and I used typewriters with look-alike blank keys: it was incumbent on us to learn — without looking — the identity, purpose, and position of each key. Likewise, when learning to play musical...

Apple’s Branding Blunder: iCloud

On June 6, 2011, Steve Jobs, emerging briefly from his medical leave, made a rare branding blunder in a product announcement: incorporating “cloud” in its name. Jobs heralded Apple’s free iCloud service, which allows users to store remotely their...

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