Justify Your Artificial Intelligence

Increasingly, I hear one CEO after the other wax enthusiastic over artificial intelligence, or AI. AI is a system that does the “thinking” that humans do, or once did. When you call AT&T’s customer service, for example, the computer recognizes...

The Farcical Elevator Pitch

No entrepreneur can get through a day without someone asking, Do you have an elevator pitch? This, for the unenlightened, is a company description so concise that one can deliver it effectively and persuasively to a fellow elevator passenger before he exits to his...

Branding Is Extinct in Silicon Valley

The Silicon Valley venture-capital firm (VC) is under intense pressure from its limited partners (investors) to fund as many startups, and ultimately earn as high a return, as possible. In this high-testosterone endeavor, each VC constantly races its rivals to...

When to Tune Your Brand

It is all-too common for a company to create and disseminate its brand, and then let it run like a wild horse. Why? Corporate politics, turf wars, egos, and incompetence. This is my only explanation for GEICO’s unending onslaught of inexplicable, inconsistent,...

What Drives YOUR Business?

It is said so often but usually ignored or trivialized: what drives a business is the customer. Not technology. Not economic conditions. The customer. It’s the customer, stupid. In one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes (“The Pitch”: first aired on...

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