Why CEOs Dismiss Branding

A colleague from New York City runs an executive roundtable, through which CEOs meet monthly to discuss their corporate challenges and exchange ideas for resolving them. Their biggest challenge? Joining the roundtable. It takes my colleague almost a year to recruit...

What Is Twitter’s Brand?

The big cyberspace news, aside from Chinese hackers invading all US government employees, is the resignation of Twitter’s CEO, Dick Costolo. Silicon Valley tongues are wagging — praising and blaming Mr. Costolo — in the face of Twitter’s 50%...

The Inflated Entrepreneur

People are cursed with the infatuation gene. When strong emotions blind them, they inflate the values of cars, homes, tulip bulbs (in 1637 Holland), stocks, other people, and, let’s not forget, technology — resulting in illogical overpayments that they...

Brand Trumps Product

Silicon Valley is a high-octane, product-centric jungle, where branding (yuck!) is viewed with skepticism and derision. After all, this strip of Northern California isn’t called Solution Valley, is it? Newsflash: people buy solutions (value), not products....

Would Lombardi Get Your Brand?

I recently watched the webinar (online seminar) of a Silicon Valley tech company and wasn’t disappointed: it was predictably awful. For 21 minutes, prior to the product demo, the rapid-firing host force-fed his online audience with product features, big-name...

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