Your Product Is Mute

Arcane Mousetrapese In no company would a CEO ask marketers to write software code or legal briefs, nor would he seek their opinions on such matters — they lack the expertise. Yet, in every company, the CEO allows and even encourages employees, from multiple...

Branding Blindness in Venture Capital

Here’s pithy news that didn’t shock me at all: About three-quarters of venture-backed firms in the US fail, according to findings of Shikhar Ghosh, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School. This number is three times higher than what’s usually...

Silicon Valley Has OCD

Blind to Folly Silicon Valley has OCD: obsessive cloud disorder. No jargon occupies the Silicon Valley lexicon more than cloud computing — except social media and mobile. Cloud has become an absolute obsession, and a ridiculous one at that. The danger with...

Branding Is Extinct in Silicon Valley

The Silicon Valley venture-capital firm (VC) is under intense pressure from its limited partners (investors) to fund as many startups, and ultimately earn as high a return, as possible. In this high-testosterone endeavor, each VC constantly races its rivals to...

Web 2.0: The Latest Tech Boondoggle

Nobody can define Web 2.0, even Internet gurus Tim Berners-Lee and Tim O’Reilly. So, why do marketers devote so much time, speech, and ink to it? Good question, considering not one online shopper understands or cares about it. Do a Google search on Web 2.0, and...

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