Why Pepsi Canned Itself

At the turn of the 20th century, Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace, opined, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” If only Pepsi had taken Tolstoy’s hint. Sadly, it didn’t. This Coca Cola competitor,...

Conquer Social Mediapathy

When talking to my business colleagues, in every quarter, I hear a common complaint: there is a paucity of civility and courtesy in daily discourse. To wit: People no longer feel obligated to return phone calls and respond to emails — either in a timely manner...

CEO: Face the Music

What keeps musicians in sync, harmoniously playing musical notes — with instruments from the strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion sections — to the audience’s delight? Hint: they must want to delight the audience! First, musicians need a...

Your Product Is Mute

Arcane Mousetrapese In no company would a CEO ask marketers to write software code or legal briefs, nor would he seek their opinions on such matters — they lack the expertise. Yet, in every company, the CEO allows and even encourages employees, from multiple...

Control Your Social Media

You’re at a banquet filled with cacophonous chatter, barely able to hear the person on your right. It’s time for the program to begin. The guest speaker ascends the podium as the MC quiets the crowd, so the speaker can take control of the audience. Taking...

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