CEOs: Stop Naming Stadiums

The Golden State Warriors, a championship NBA team in Oakland, California, are in a terrible slump. Steph Curry, the team’s point-guard superstar, just rejoined the roster after missing 11 games from a groin injury. Draymond Green, another star, is out with a...

Nationwide’s Super Bowl Fiasco

According to the “experts,” Budweiser’s puppy-horse commercial, in Super Bowl 2015, was America’s favorite. Here’s what that ranking means: it’s the least likely to sell beer. This spot is making people cry, but they’re not...

Would Lombardi Get Your Brand?

I recently watched the webinar (online seminar) of a Silicon Valley tech company and wasn’t disappointed: it was predictably awful. For 21 minutes, prior to the product demo, the rapid-firing host force-fed his online audience with product features, big-name...

Curb Your Corporate Video

A friend recently asked me to evaluate her corporate video, made specifically for the business unit she heads. I watched the video, then listened to it without watching it. Knowing her business, I made a list of nine key, inexcusable omissions. Yet another avoidable...

Puppies Don’t Sell Beer

It’s the Monday after Super Bowl XLVIII, 2014. Aside from Denver’s humiliating loss, what is everybody is talking and tweeting about? The winner of the “Commercial” Bowl: Budweiser. It ran a spot featuring a puppy and a horse in an improbable...

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