What Drives YOUR Business?

It is said so often but usually ignored or trivialized: what drives a business is the customer. Not technology. Not economic conditions. The customer. It’s the customer, stupid. In one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes (“The Pitch”: first aired on...

Social Networking: A Good Investment?

The classical definition of making a “good” investment is sinking capital into a person, product, property, service, or business entity expected to yield a return at least equal to that of alternative choices, comparable in risk and timeframe. Generally...

Your Product Is Not a Market

Not a day goes by without an article in the San Jose Mercury News, Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Fortune, or Forbes erroneously equating a product to a market. There is no excuse for this. I constantly see incorrect references to the wireless market, the...

What If Your Salesforce Quits Tomorrow?

Most Websites are utterly ineffective. Why do I say this? Effectiveness is the ability to achieve an objective quickly, frequently, consistently, easily, and cheaply. A vendor must accomplish two key objectives with its Website: 1) tell the viewer which of his...

Why White Noise Is Your Enemy

White noise is the combination of all sound frequencies, as white light is the combination of all light frequencies. When one hears white noise, he can discern nothing distinct. Bingo! That’s exactly what customers hear when all vendors seem alike — and...

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