Conquer Social Mediapathy

When talking to my business colleagues, in every quarter, I hear a common complaint: there is a paucity of civility and courtesy in daily discourse. To wit: People no longer feel obligated to return phone calls and respond to emails — either in a timely manner...

What Is Twitter’s Brand?

The big cyberspace news, aside from Chinese hackers invading all US government employees, is the resignation of Twitter’s CEO, Dick Costolo. Silicon Valley tongues are wagging — praising and blaming Mr. Costolo — in the face of Twitter’s 50%...

PseudoBranding in the Ivory Tower

RadioShack recently declared bankruptcy, and Sprint took over 1750 of its 4100 stores. Why? You may deem this a counterintuitive move: the Internet was supposed to obliterate bricks-and-mortar retailing. After all, Staples recently combined with Office Depot, because...

End Your Hashtag Hubris

A big part of Apple’s brand is ease of use. Successful suppliers like Apple simplify customers’ lives and never ask them to perform heavy lifting. Simplify and ease. What a concept! Long before YouTube and the iPhone, everybody owned a VCR. Comically, most...

CEO: Intimidate or Imitate?

Quick, name the largest American manufacturer of paperclips. Unless you’re in the biz, you can’t. Answer: ACCO, for American Clip Company, which began operations in 1903. The other major supplier is Officemate International. According to the Wall Street...

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