The Cost of No Critical Thinking

Every year, freshmen and seniors in the USA take the Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus (CLA+), issued by the non-profit Council for Aid to Education. Its goal is to measure critical-thinking skills of students entering and leaving 200 institutions of “higher...

Why CEOs Dismiss Branding

A colleague from New York City runs an executive roundtable, through which CEOs meet monthly to discuss their corporate challenges and exchange ideas for resolving them. Their biggest challenge? Joining the roundtable. It takes my colleague almost a year to recruit...

Myopic Mobile Marketing

Perpetual Adolescence In late July 2012, I was chatting at a cocktail party with a NASDAQ executive, teasing her about the “botched” Facebook IPO, which had occurred two months theretofore. I opined that Facebook’s business is fluff, based on...

What Drives YOUR Business?

It is said so often but usually ignored or trivialized: what drives a business is the customer. Not technology. Not economic conditions. The customer. It’s the customer, stupid. In one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes (“The Pitch”: first aired on...

Social Networking: A Good Investment?

The classical definition of making a “good” investment is sinking capital into a person, product, property, service, or business entity expected to yield a return at least equal to that of alternative choices, comparable in risk and timeframe. Generally...

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