Every Supplier Needs a Strong Brand
Every supplier, regardless of size, age, geography, or sector — industrial, technology, military, commercial, and consumer — needs a strong brand. The brand is an intangible, unique value proposition — the emotional connection between customer and vendor. It defines the purpose and direction of the enterprise. The brand is not a product, a SKU, a service, a logo, a name, a trademark, or a technology. If you’ve always believed that branding is only for consumer-based companies, you’re misinformed. Your company’s brand dictates the people you hire, the processes you implement, and the products you build. If your company is known for skimping on quality and safety, it has a poor brand — by definition. That’s why branding is your #1 priority. If branding is not your #1 priority, make it so — ASAP! Yet, some CEOs dismiss or delay branding, as if it were trivial or, worse, burdensome. Watch “The Five Stages of Branding” |
NOTE: You cannot brand if you don’t know your market and its definition. Watch the video below: “What Is a Market?”
TEST #1: You have a strong brand when customers, investors, and the media can describe it — in one sentence — without mentioning your product. Can they? Can YOU?
TEST #2: You have a strong brand when customers, investors, and the media REACT to, REMEMBER, and REPEAT it. Can they? Do they?
If you answered “no” for either question above, you have a WEAK brand.
Continuously sharpen and strengthen your company’s brand.