The Left, using schools and universities as launching pads, is waging war on capitalism, math, meritocracy, science, fossil fuels, children, the family, religion, and individual liberty. I call this Panoramic Marxism. Alas, most CEOs have surrendered in this war and have, likewise, waged the same war against their employees, customers, and shareholders. Branding dies in wokeness™.
The 1792 Exchange maintains a list of the top woke corporations, by degree of wokeness (high, medium, lower), via its Corporate Bias Ratings. Check it out.
INCONVENIENT FACTS: There is no global warming (Earth’s temperature has risen 1°C in the past 170 years); CO2, which comprises .04% of our atmosphere, is neither a greenhouse gas nor a pollutant — and is required intake for all plant survival and, therefore, for our survival. Nine times more people die from cold than heat (by 5-15X), even in India. All prosperity in the world is tied to fossil fuels. People need more fossil fuels, not fewer. Solar and wind contribute a mere 3% of all energy and never will replace fossil fuels. Never. All talk about NetZero (global net emissions of CO2 must fall to zero by 2050) and ESG is bogus tyranny.
In the 1970s, Time and Newsweek (CLICK to view the 4/28/75 Newsweek graphs) were reporting global cooling. What’s changed since then? Warming is a scary money-maker.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Geneva, Switzerland is the key proponent of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) rules. The ESG-loving SEC required large corporations to file reports of “greenhouse-gas emissions” in February 2024. Trump is expected to scotch those regulations. By the way, Sri Lanka, touting itself a model of ESG compliance, went bankrupt in the process.
In the financial-services industry, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Advisors had taken the lead in enforcing ESG rules: comply or no corporate loans. Consequently, attorneys general in almost half of the American states are pulling billions of dollars out of these asset managers’ funds, citing ESG’s lousy returns and the destruction of corporations not bowing to the WEF’s agenda. As of January 2025, Net Zero and ESG are dead, as the Net Zero Climate Alliance fell apart. Read all the news about this below.
To learn how the interdependence of wokeness and Jew-hatred destroyed the Poison Ivy League, CLICK HERE.
SCROLL BELOW to read Woke CEO News entries, listed by date — on such topics as CRT (critical race theory), CEI (corporate equality index), DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), SEL (social-emotional learning), ESG (environment, social, governance), the Great Reset (AKA Build Back Better; WEF-endorsed destruction of capitalism and individual liberty), and NetZero — exhibiting how ridiculously woke CEOs have become. Increasingly, CEO means chief ESG officer, one who has fealty to stakeholders (members of the woke mob), not shareholders.
Every shareholder should vote to fire the woke chief ESG officer and other board members.
Remember: Go woke; go broke. Go pride; get fried.