The DEIfication of Claudine Gay

The DEIfication of Claudine Gay

By DEIfiying its recently hired and newly ousted president, Claudine Gay, Harvard University has destroyed its brand. On December 15, 2022, the Harvard Corporation (fancy name for its board of trustees), led by billionaire Penny Pritzker, announced that it had...

How to Brand & Sell Your Tech-Flex Building

Popping up here and there around America and elsewhere in the world are what people have been calling tech-flex buildings. Originally, a tech-flex building (TFB) was to be a configurable, shared space for startup companies. But, it hasn’t turned out that way: it’s too...
Why Innovation Requires a Strong Brand

Why Innovation Requires a Strong Brand

Many companies, especially large ones, have difficulty innovating. Is this a surprise? It shouldn’t be. In my experience, the left and right hands of most enterprises have never met. There isn’t even a universal definition of innovation, let alone what it...

Ditch Your Mission Statement

Every company, no matter its size or industry, feels compelled to construct a mission statement — but rarely obligated to create a brand. Some also craft a “vision” statement. More time-wasting nonsense. Many believe that the mission statement shapes...

Best Buy? You Cannot Be Sirius!

At every opportunity, I’ve asserted verbally or in writing that a logo isn’t a brand and that creating a new one isn’t rebranding. REMEMBER: A logo can represent a brand but never constitute one. In my May 2018 column about Best Buy’s new logo,...

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