How to Brand & Sell Your Tech-Flex Building

Popping up here and there around America and elsewhere in the world are what people have been calling tech-flex buildings. Originally, a tech-flex building (TFB) was to be a configurable, shared space for startup companies. But, it hasn’t turned out that way: it’s too...

Don’t Let Equity Analysts Control Your Brand

Many CEOs of public companies complain privately that equity analysts control their companies’ brands and branding strategies. This is a legitimate complaint. Equity analysts — who tend to be biased, myopic, and flamboyant — are extremely influential...

Accountability Requires Leadership

I received a call from a distressed Fortune 50 executive, lamenting that his company is struggling to create a “culture of accountability.” Newsflash: If your employees exhibit “Who me?” attitudes, your company lacks accountability. This...

Validate Your Product Path

Product development is a critical function at every company. How it operates determines success or failure for CEOs, investors, and customers. How does it work at your company? Is it tactical or strategic? How do you know? Newsflash: If this function isn’t...

Brand Pulls Strategy

Are you now creating a strategy to douse yet another fire or exploit an opportunity at your company? How will you decide what to construct? Frequently, I hear from CEOs and various consultants that they’re deeply involved in building a new strategy for something...

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