How to Brand & Sell Your Tech-Flex Building

Popping up here and there around America and elsewhere in the world are what people have been calling tech-flex buildings. Originally, a tech-flex building (TFB) was to be a configurable, shared space for startup companies. But, it hasn’t turned out that way: it’s too...

Stop Selling Blocks

In 1960, Bob Newhart recorded a best-selling comedy album called The Button-Down Mind Strikes Back. In this album, he did a routine, “An Infinite Number of Monkeys,” which reminds me of how so many technology products are created and funded. Newhart...

Cerebral Selling Doesn’t Sell

It always astounds me when people opine that branding is for consumer products and that industrial purchases are made with pure logic. Neither opinion is even close to accurate. So, why would anyone attempt a “cerebral” sale? Good question. But, it happens...

How Selling Kills Sales

Words — love, hate, lawsuit, bailout, bankruptcy — elicit strong emotions and behaviors in and from us. Selling is no exception: it leads to defensiveness, where a purchaser feels that an unneeded or unwanted product will be pushed on him. This dynamic is...

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