Unify Your Pitch

When dealing with almost every company, we learn invariably that the proverbial right and left hands have never met. This repulses us. Such is true at electrical utilities, phone and cable companies, government agencies, retailers, and fledgling startups —...

Trump Ignored Golf’s Basics

By most accounts, Donald Trump, owner of 17 courses, is an excellent golfer. And, of course, he brags about his skill: “I’ve won many club championships. Many. Frankly, if I had time to play more often, my handicap would be lower. I enjoy the competition. And, if I...

Brand vs. Awareness

CEOs frequently ask me how to increase awareness, specifically brand awareness. Such common lack of branding savvy in corporate boardrooms is the chief reason I wrote a book on branding just for CEOs. Newsflash: Increasing awareness is not your goal and is a total...

Your Cost of Customers

Do you know your cost of customers? Are you sure? Most discussions about customers center on two topics: the cost of acquiring them and the products they buy. If this is the case in your company, sound the alarm. First, thinking you can “acquire” a...

CEO: Face the Music

What keeps musicians in sync, harmoniously playing musical notes — with instruments from the strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion sections — to the audience’s delight? Hint: they must want to delight the audience! First, musicians need a...

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